RT Rybak Brings Minneapolis Foundation Perspective, Expertise to Islands’ Renewal
/The desire to restore Sanibel and Captiva islands to their former splendor remains strong some 18 months into recovery from devastating Hurricane Ian.
Realizing that a fresh perspective can inject energy and possibilities into the process, the Charitable Foundation of the Islands, led by CFI’s Economic Revitalization Committee, recently welcomed R.T. Rybak and his wife, Meagan, for two in-depth conversations with island leaders on Tuesday, Feb. 26, about what comes next. The visit is the culmination of several meetings that began last year arranged by Minneapolis and Sanibel resident and CFI Board member Susan “Sam” Boren King.
Photo Caption: Community Leaders gathered at the Sanibel Community House on February 26th to hear from Minneapolis Foundation president and CEOR.T. Rybak.
Back Row (L to R): Doug Congress (CFI),Dolly Farrell (CFI), John Morse (CFI), Bill Harkey (“Ding” Darling Wildlife Society), R.T. Rybak (Minneapolis Foundation), and Dana Souza (City of Sanibel).
Front Row (L to R): Maria Espinoza(F.I.S.H. of SanCap), Ann-Marie Wildman (“Ding” Darling Wildlife Society),Nicole Decker-McHale (Community Housing and Resources), Sam Boren King (CFI),Lisa Riordan (CFI), John Lai (Sanibel-Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce), and James Evans (Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation).