Nonprofit Educational Series
The Charitable Foundation of the Islands provided support and coordination of a 3-part series held in September and October at the Sanibel Public Library. The three session were entitled “Researching the Foundation Center Database to Identify Prospects”, “Introduction to Grant Writing” and “Maximizing Your Success - How to Win Over Foundations and Your Donors”.
The sessions were attended by twenty-six individuals representing a diverse range of Sanibel and Captiva’s nonprofits. Development professional, Lisa Heidrick, graciously donated her services to guide the participants through the national Foundation Center database, as well as sharing her tips and guidance on grant writing.
L/R Cheryl Giattini, SCCF; Annie Campbell, BIG ARTS; Cindy DeCosta, Children’s Education Center of the Islands; Alison Hussey, CROW and Lisa Heidrick, facilitator
Lisa Heidrick has granted CFI permission to share the PowerPoint below.