How Your Donations Matter: 2023 Impact Report
We are pleased to offer this report of our shared accomplishments since Hurricane Ian made landfall on September 28, 2022.
Because of your trust, confidence and support, CFI:
Distributed over $1 million in grants and relief assistance to Sanibel and Captiva organizations.
Affirmed the importance of the Islands’ nonprofit sector and more.
Read this information-packed report for details you need to know >>
We are pleased to offer this report of our shared accomplishments since Hurricane Ian made landfall on September 28, 2022.
“CFI was a force in connecting nonprofit leaders before the hurricane. Those relationships made all the difference as we navigated the challenges we faced after. I don’t know what the last year would have been like without the work of CFI“.
~ Maria Espinoza, Executive Director
FISH of SanCap
“Don’t underestimate the work CFI is doing behind the scenes to chart the path forward for our Island’s recovery, especially in the area of economic revitalization“.
~ John Lai, CEO Sanibel & Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce